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Mostrando postagens com marcador Brazil. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 8 de junho de 2024

The Story of John the Baptist - The Man Who Became a Saint

Stained glass window depicting the baptism of Christ by John the Baptist. A vibrant piece of sacred art symbolizing the Christian sacrament.

 Who Was John the Baptist?

John the Baptist is a central figure in Christianity, celebrated on June 24. He is known for baptizing Jesus Christ in the Jordan River and for being a prophet who announced the arrival of the Messiah. The son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist preached about repentance and used baptism as a symbol of purification.

The Importance of John the Baptist in Festas Juninas

In Brazil, Festas Juninas are vibrant celebrations that blend religious and cultural traditions. John the Baptist is one of the most important saints in these festivities. The celebrations include dances, bonfires, and traditional foods, reflecting the strong connection between Brazilian culture and its Catholic roots. Festas Juninas not only honor the figure of John the Baptist but also promote community unity and joy.

Why Do We Celebrate on June 24?

John the Baptist is celebrated both for his birth and his death. His birth is commemorated on June 24, six months before Christmas, as tradition holds that he is six months older than Jesus. Celebrating his birth is a way to acknowledge his role as the precursor of Christ, the one who announced the arrival of the Messiah.

The Life and Mission of John the Baptist

John the Baptist was born in Judea and dedicated his life to preaching the importance of conversion and preparing for the coming of the Messiah. He was known for his austere lifestyle and powerful sermons. His mission was clear: to prepare people to receive Jesus. His influence was so great that he was imprisoned and executed by Herod Antipas after denouncing his immorality.

Traditions and Festivities

Festas Juninas in Brazil are a mix of European, indigenous, and Afro-Brazilian traditions. The celebrations for John the Baptist include lighting bonfires, symbolizing the light that guides the faithful, and dancing quadrilhas, which celebrate the harvest and community. Traditional foods like boiled corn, pé-de-moleque (a peanut brittle), and quentão (a hot spiced drink) add a special flavor to the festivities.

John the Baptist in Brazilian Culture

John the Baptist is a figure that extends beyond the religious context, profoundly influencing Brazilian popular culture. Festas Juninas are times of great joy, where music, dance, and cuisine come together to celebrate life and faith. These festivals are an opportunity to strengthen community ties and keep alive the traditions that are part of Brazil's identity.

We hope this article has helped you understand better the importance of John the Baptist and his connection to Festas Juninas. Keep following our blog "Between Stories and Travels: A Curious Blog" for more content on culture, history, and traditions!

Source: São João: Conheça a História Real do Santo e Veja a Oração (

Image Credit: John the Baptist Statue - Free Photo on Pixabay

Discover UFJF in Juiz de Fora - MG - BRAZIL 🇧🇷

Panoramic View of Juiz de Fora-MG-Brazil

Welcome to our blog 'Between Stories and Travels'!

If you're always on the lookout for unique destinations full of history, get ready to discover Juiz de Fora in Minas Gerais. Besides its historical and cultural significance, the city is home to one of Brazil's most renowned universities: the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Let's explore a fascinating fact about UFJF and its connection with the National Observatory, highlighting the scientific richness that makes this city a must-visit destination.

Federal University of Juiz de Fora: A Center of Innovation

Entrance Portal, UFJF Campus - São Pedro - Juiz de Fora-MG-Brazil

Entrance Portal, UFJF Campus - São Pedro - Juiz de Fora

UFJF is a landmark in Juiz de Fora, known for its commitment to education and research. But did you know that the university has a special partnership with the National Observatory? That's right! UFJF not only promotes high-quality education but is also at the forefront of scientific research in Brazil.

Partnership with the National Observatory

Astronomical Observatory UFJF, Juiz de Fora, MG - Brazil

Astronomical Observatory - UFJF

One of UFJF's gems is its meteorological station and astronomical observatory. In collaboration with the National Observatory, these facilities are used for advanced research in climate and astronomy. Imagine being able to participate in public sky observation events and see science in action up close!

Events and Initiatives for Everyone

UFJF goes beyond classrooms and laboratories. The university organizes various events that invite the entire community to engage with science. Whether you are a student, naturally curious, or simply someone looking for a new experience, the astronomical observation events are an incredible opportunity to learn more about the universe.

Visiting Juiz de Fora

When planning your next trip, consider including Juiz de Fora in your itinerary. Besides its historical and cultural attractions, the city offers a unique chance to dive into the world of science. UFJF, with its observatory and educational initiatives, is a true treasure for those seeking knowledge and inspiration.


Juiz de Fora is more than a historical city in Minas Gerais; it is a vibrant center of innovation and learning. Visiting UFJF and participating in its scientific activities is a wonderful way to explore new frontiers of knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Come discover the curiosities and wonders of Juiz de Fora, and let yourself be inspired by the science and history the city has to offer.

See you soon!

Image Credits: Cristina Camargo

Research Credit: UFJF - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

sábado, 1 de junho de 2024

Heart of Eternal Flirtation - A Tribute to Rio de Janeiro

Golden hour charm: Enjoying the breathtaking view of Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro. 

In a casual night, amidst laughter and shared stories, Caetano Veloso found inspiration for one of his most remarkable melodies. Thus was born "Menino do Rio," a tribute to youth, freedom, and the unique spirit of Petit, a young man whose real name was José Artur Machado. Immortalized in Baby Consuelo's voice, the song became a hymn to Rio de Janeiro's culture, celebrating the ephemeral beauty of youth and the love for life without bounds.

In the 1970s, Rio de Janeiro's south zone throbbed with a unique energy. Ipanema, Leblon, and Copacabana were stages for encounters among musicians, artists, and youths seeking to live each moment intensely. It was during this time that Bossa Nova, with its soft melodies and poetic lyrics, made its mark in the beachside guitar circles. Figures like Vinícius de Moraes, Tom Jobim, and other great names of Brazilian music frequented these same spaces, contributing to an atmosphere of creativity and cultural effervescence.

A dive into the past: collections of vinyl records and retro photographs frame the nostalgia of the 70s in Rio de Janeiro.

Amidst this musical and cultural wealth, Caetano Veloso returned to Brazil after a period of exile. The military regime was still a harsh reality, but resistance manifested in various forms, especially through the counterculture dominating the artistic scene. It was in this setting that Caetano composed "Menino do Rio" in 1979, inspired by late-night conversations with Petit.

Petit, a young surfer born and raised in Ipanema, epitomized the Carioca lifestyle of the time. At 22, he stood out for his beauty and skill on the waves. His figure represented a generation of young people who lived the present intensely, in a Rio de Janeiro that was both a dream and a challenge scenario.

The friendship between Petit and Caetano flourished on the sands of Ipanema. There, where the sea met the city, the two shared stories and life philosophies, creating a bond that would inspire one of Caetano's most incredible songs.

The song's lyrics make direct references to Petit's universe. The "dragon tattooed on his arm" and the "shorts open body in space" are vivid images capturing the essence of the young surfer. The expression "eternal flirt's heart" poetically describes Petit's carefree lifestyle, living each day as if it were the last. "Menino do Rio" is not just a song; it is a portrait of a time, a tribute to a generation, and a celebration of Carioca culture.

Today, listening to "Menino do Rio," we are transported to that Rio de Janeiro of the 1970s, with its lively beaches, nights filled with good music, and unforgettable stories. It is an invitation to remember and celebrate a time when life was lived with an "eternal flirt's heart."

See you soon!

Fonte de pesquisa:

Conheça a história da música Menino do Rio, de Caetano Veloso - LETRAS.MUS.BR

Crédito de imagem:

Imagem de gabriele gabi -Praia Rio De Janeiro Sol - Foto gratuita no Pixabay - Pixabay

quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2024

Discover the Wonders of the Southern Minas Coffee Route: A Journey Through the Aromas and Flavors of Minas Gerais

Foto Torrans Mayorquin

Welcome to our blog 'Between Stories and Travels: A Curious Blog'! If you appreciate good Minas Gerais coffee, you'll love to discover two incredible experiences linked to this delicacy in Minas Gerais.

The Tourist Route of Coffee in Cerrado Mineiro focuses on Patrocínio, a city renowned as one of Brazil's main coffee-producing hubs. Additionally, it's known for its sulfurous water sources in São João da Serra Negra, providing a unique atmosphere. On this route, you'll have the opportunity to dive into the world of specialty coffees, visiting farms, roasters, and coffee shops, and tasting the beverage in gastronomic harmonizations.

Foto de Nathan Dumlao na Unsplash

Meanwhile, the Southern Minas Coffee Route, with a charming itinerary covering six captivating municipalities: Três Pontas, Cambuquira, São Lourenço, Baependi, Caxambu, and Cruzília. Besides coffee, this route also highlights the cheeses and spas of the region.

In Três Pontas, you can visit the charming Paiol Café Boutique, where history blends with Minas Gerais hospitality. In Cambuquira, the historic Santa Quitéria Farm holds secrets of over 130 years of coffee tradition. The welcoming Catiguá Farm, also in Cambuquira, invites you to savor the pure taste of Minas Gerais in an environment filled with history and passion for coffee.

In São Lourenço, the renowned Unique Cafés offers a true immersion into the world of specialty coffees, while the relaxing Parque das Águas, in Caxambu, invites you to enjoy its medicinal waters and the serenity of the environment. In Baependi, the authentic Café Seival offers a unique experience of artisanal roasting, and in Cruzília, the traditional Paiolzinho Dairy invites you to experience the unique flavors of the region's cheeses.

Foto de Food Photographer na Unsplash

Each stop offers a unique experience, whether for the tradition in coffee production, the quality of local products, or the immersion in Minas Gerais culture and tradition. Activities include tastings, guided tours, and learning about coffee cultivation and processing, as well as other tourist and gastronomic experiences.

These routes are a must for coffee lovers and those wishing to explore the rich coffee culture of Minas Gerais. So, get ready for a journey that will awaken all your senses and leave delicious memories!

See you soon!

"Discover, Explore, Learn: Between Stories and Travels" 🌍📚

Fonte de referências e pesquisa:

Turismo em Minas Gerais | Rotas do Café em Minas Gerais

Fotos de São João da Serra Negra - MG | Portal Férias (

Cafés Especiais | Paiol Café Boutique | Minas Gerais (

Turismo em Minas Gerais

Paiolzinho – Laticínios Paiolzinho

Crédito de Imagem:

Foto profissional gratuita de abundância, fechar se, fresco, grãos de café, holding, mãos (

Um par de pedaços de queijo sentado em cima de uma tábua de corte de madeira foto – Imagem grátis sobre Queijo na Unsplash

Foto de Nathan Dumlao na Unsplash

Corpus Christi: Celebrating the Body of Christ"

Welcome to our blog "Between Stories and Travels: A Curious Blog"! Today, we'll explore one of the most important religious festivities in the Catholic calendar, Corpus Christi. Let's understand the meaning of this celebration and clarify why it's not a national holiday in Brazil.


What is Corpus Christi? 

"Corpus Christi" is a Latin term meaning "Body of Christ." This term is still used in Catholic rites today and is also known as "Corpus Domini" (Body of the Lord). The celebration of Corpus Christi aims to publicly honor the Eucharist, a sacrament that commemorates Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples.

The Importance of the Eucharist 

The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. During the celebration, believers participate in the ceremony where bread and wine are consecrated and symbolically transformed into the body and blood of Christ. This rite centralizes the Christian faith in the remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and is a moment of deep reflection and worship for Catholics.

Eucharistic Ceremony

Why Isn't Corpus Christi a National Holiday? 

Despite its religious significance, Corpus Christi is not a national holiday in Brazil. According to the official calendar released by the federal government, the date is considered an optional holiday for federal employees. This means that the operation of federal public offices is optional, at the discretion of local authorities.

However, many Brazilian capitals and cities, such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, choose to decree a municipal or state holiday on Corpus Christi. In these locations, schools, banks, and businesses may close, allowing the population to participate in traditional celebrations and processions.

Celebrations and Traditions Corpus Christi is marked by processions and solemn masses in various parts of the world. In Brazil, one of the best-known traditions is the creation of sawdust carpets. Faithful from various communities gather to create elaborate designs on the streets using colored sawdust, sand, flowers, and other materials. These carpets form the path for the procession, carrying the ostensory with the consecrated host.

This practice not only beautifies the cities but also strengthens the community, uniting people in a collective effort of faith and art expression.

Corpus Christi in 2024 In 2024

Corpus Christi will be celebrated on May 30th. Although it's not a national holiday, many Brazilian cities are already preparing their traditions for this special date. If you're in a city where Corpus Christi is considered a holiday, take the opportunity to participate in processions, admire the sawdust carpets, and reflect on the profound meaning of this celebration.


Corpus Christi is more than just a date on the religious calendar; it's a moment of faith renewal and celebration of Christ's presence in the Eucharist. Even though it's not a national holiday, the festivity has a significant impact on the communities that celebrate it, showcasing Brazil's cultural and religious diversity.

We hope this exploration of Corpus Christi has sparked your curiosity and provided a deeper understanding of this important Catholic tradition. Keep following our blog "Between Stories and Travels: A Curious Blog" for more fascinating stories and cultural discoveries!

See you soon!

"Discover, Explore, Learn: Among Stories and Travels Among Stories and Travels" 🌍📚

Research credit:

Corpus Christi: o que é, origem e significado - Enciclopédia Significados

Image credit:

Foto profissional gratuita de amontoado, banners, banquete, celebração religiosa, cultura, desfile, padre, pessoas, procissão, religião, rua, tradição (

Como Você Se Vê? A Importância da Autoimagem

Foto de Sydney Sang Bem-vindos ao "Entre Histórias e Viagens: Um Blog Curioso"! Hoje, vamos abordar um tema que muitas vezes evita...